Friday, March 26, 2010

Mortgage Program Indicative of Future

There is trouble right here in river city. The mortgage program is not working. Does this surprise anyone? If it does, or if you just don't want to believe that something promised was not delivered, I suggest that therapy is in order. Those who have faith in this the government today are delusional. The persistent belief in something despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Orwell talked about this with 1984, he was just 26 years off. One plus one equals two. The President promised "help" for those struggling with making their mortgages, or who are in foreclosure. The problem is there is no incentive for the bank or ledger to follow his lead. Why should they? The article in MarketWatch telling us "Mortgage-modification program has major flaws" is really only telling those who have been denying the truth and wanting to believe that there was actual help out there. It is so bad that even Disney owned ABC news did a segment on it.

We funded the program with billions, and so far 31,000 people have been helped. What an exceptional use of funds. If you did not recognize that, it was sarcasm. The mortgage modification program like "Cash for Clunkers" and all of the others, are based upon fantasy and lies. I am sure the intentions were good, but as usually the mechanism is flawed. This is why 3/4 of this country oppose the healthcare legislation. Again look to the VA who is being "fined" for over radiating vets who are suffering with cancer, and the abuses continue. Does anyone realistically believe that this type of care will not expand? Where are the consequences for bad behavior? If you default on your mortgage, the government will help you out. Because it is your fault. We have a new host of "rights" like healthcare, education, a free lunch.. But where are these rights coming from? Our constitution says we already had all the rights available, the government was the one that was restricted. Any "right" granted by a government historically has been restricted to the ruling class. Everyone else just doesn't need the same rights, even though we are all equal.

The fact that our congress has to be flooded with protestors, email and phone campaigns is telling as to who are the servants and who believe they are the masters. Do not fool yourself into believing that this is not socialism. We abandoned the free market in 1908, and have been slowing indoctrinated to believe that this is capitalism. It isn't. This is the entry into socialism and to our freedom and liberty disappearing. The mortgage program was a lie to get people to feel better, not solve a problem. The only good news is that when hyper inflation hits, you salary will be 1,000,000 per hour and your current mortgage should be able to be paid off quickly. Unless the government allows for your rates to be adjusted for inflation...

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