Friday, November 20, 2009

Lehigh Pub in Bethlehem, Pa.--Couple arrested for not paying tip

I knew the folks in Pennsylvania leaned to the socialist side, but this seems to be way too far across the pond. I would expect this in Europe, but in America? A couple spent over an hour waiting for the food, had to get their own napkins and silverware, paid for the food, but did not leave a tip. They were arrested. Why? They had a party of six and the “gratuity” was included. Now, most of us do not have an issue paying a gratuity especially for “large” groups. However, what is implicit is the duty of the establishment to provide a base of service commiserate with the standard service of the restaurant. A “gratuity” is just that, a bonus for a job well done. Regardless of a pre-calculated convenience for both the patron and the establishment, if not earned, the tip should not be paid. Now I know that there are cheap skates in the world, and someone will always try to take advantage of the situation. However, most people are honest hard working individuals that like to see other hard working individuals get ahead. Waiting tables is tough, but that is also why it can be rewarding to those who do an exceptional job. My niece waits tables through school, because she can make more there than sitting behind the desk. The hours are long, and she is tired when she is done, but she is also doing well because she takes care of her customers. Why do we think that there cannot be consequences for our actions? In this case the establishment was busy. Good for them. They did not serve this particular group of customers well at all. Shame on them, and the consequence should be that there is no tip (which is above and beyond the actual cost of the meal).
It is interesting that it was the couple that was arrested rather than the owner for wasting police time. While the amount may have been printed on the bill, it was not part of the meal. The only good news is the article named the restaurant. I think that is one I will avoid in the future.

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