Monday, June 29, 2009

Do not look behind the curtain; you may not like what you see.

It took a lot of searching, and that should say a great deal about what this blog contains. President Obama fired the inspector general who was investigating a former Phoenix Suns player and now the mayor of Sacramento Kevin Johnson, for misappropriating funds. This would be news anytime, but the fact that the president fired Gerald Walpin while one of his friends and political ally was under investigation. Mr. Walpin is not going quietly into the good night and is firing back. Regardless of what you think is happening here, the fact that the Chief Executive fired an investigator at all is not standard procedure and I guess the president has not learned to keep his hands clean when doing dirty work. It is also interesting that this story is difficult to find except on blogs with the exception of fox news. Let’s face it, if the investigation turned up that Mr. Johnson was guilty, he would have done some jail time and lost his job. But the investigation has been stopped. Where is the replacement Inspector General? This seems to confirm rather than allay Mr. Johnson’s guilt. Who is watching the watch dog, is becoming more a concern than ever. To whom can we turn when the government is not accountable to anyone?

If the government is providing us our information, our health care, our wealth, then whom do we turn to when “they” decide to cut benefits, offer substandard service? All competition is being eliminated, we cannot get better healthcare because the government will decide what is sufficient and necessary. Where will you go if you disagree? Will you leave the country like so many Canadians are forced to do today? But where will you go Mexico? What happens when you are taxed by the number of miles you drive your gas powered car? What if it turns out that the mercury laden light bulbs cause a greater environmental hazard than the old incandescent bulbs that are no longer able to be manufactured here in the US, because they use more electricity? Who is watching those making the rules? When an IG is fired (for whatever reason), a follow-up investigation should be conducted of those involved to ensure a lack of impartiality. We have no accountability and that makes our problems larger.

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