Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Harry Reid

Harry Reid has created a fire storm of criticism by declaring that those who do not support health care reform are supporting slavery. Don't believe me? check it out. It is interesting that he hasn't checked on the definition of slavery lately. Slavery as defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary is "submission to a dominating influence or the state of a person who is a chattel of another person or group." What I find interesting is that many of the provisions in the health care "reform" bills will establish what many consider a dominating influence of our government over the state of a person. Many view the provision that you could be put in prison for lack of insurance, or fined by a tax levy to be a dominating influence by our government. Most people do not understand that a tax levy can freeze all of your assets and take all of your paycheck or income until the total debt is paid. Does this mean we will be enslaved by our government that we elected? This remark demonstrates the lack of a real education that we as a country have been missing. Rather than ideologies being discussed we are looking to "neutralize" the internet, through net neutrality legislation, thus controlling our ability to express ourselves either in both eloquent and vulgar fashions. The wonderful thing about this country has always been the right to make a public ass of yourself. Harry Reid, in this case, being a prime example. I do not think he should have to apologize for his remarks. He obviously believes in what he is saying. However, I do believe that those who voted for him should take a long look at the person for whom they voted, and the policies and the real effects of what he is trying to do in the Senate. Not just Mr. Reid, but all of our elected officials. We as a people need to take off the rose colored glasses and instead of wishful thinking begin to hold not only our officials, but ourselves accountable.
There is only one group responsible for this mess, and it is not the democrats, or the republicans, but the American people for not holding these parties accountable rather than reelecting the same people. Albert Einstein said it best "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." What do we expect? That by rewarding bad behavior we will get a good result. They are all nice people, but without understanding. By bailing out people who cannot make their mortgages, and not helping those who are is rewarding bad behavior. By electing government officials because they promise money from the government demonstrates that we do not understand that they are promising to take the money from us and just give it back at a 40 percent discount. Hand your senator a dollar and he gives you back 60 cents. What about this seems to be a good idea. He even hires accountants to make sure you have all of your 60 cents.
Slavery is real throughout the world in both economic and terms of how people live their lives. Unfortunately, Mr. Reid got it backwards.