Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Branson’s sale really means...

In the course of human events people, companies, countries and the world evolves and changes. Mr. Branson’s unique rise has obviously fallen on some hard times. While the decision to sell his mobile phone company may have been to help pay for his hobbies, the decision to sell a large stake in Virgin Galactic to a cash rich group is telling about how well the US and European economies are fairing. It seems that the large amounts of cash flowing from the US and Europe into the coffers of the ruling families in Abu Dahbi and Saudi Arabia is paying dividends. You can tell how well a country, company or person is fairing based on investments in infrastructure. The poor do not invest in roads, high end hotels, clean water, bridges, or other infrastructure because they do not use those things to survive. Growth becomes how do I get through tomorrow without starving. If you want to see the contrasts, look at Africa compared to the rest of the world. Continual war, tribal focus and corruption have lead to the stagnation and death of entire peoples.

The sale of a portion of Virgin Galactic provides the needed cash flow for Branson’s empire, and allows those in Abu Dahbi to have yet another large accomplishment to show, when Branson beats all others to establishing a community in space. Mr. Branson is one of those individuals that whether you like him or not, you must admire the intrepid spirit and gumption. The fact that he sold the stake to the Middle East shows how far the US has fallen behind, not only in equity, but in though leadership and direction. We are focused on the “right” to healthcare, while the team in Abu Dabi is focused on a legacy and growth. Branson makes obtains a boatload of money, and the rest of the world looks for someone to blame for not being great, some are focused on doing the hard work necessary.